Green Mountain Energy® Blog

9 Simple Facts About Solar Energy

9 Facts about the power of solar
9 Facts about the power of solar
9 Facts about the power of solar

As you hear some analysts predict another great year for solar energy, you might ask yourself, “Do I know the benefits of going solar, what technology is used, and why is it the go-to clean energy choice?”

We’ve got nine quick facts to help you understand the basics of solar energy, and why it’s so good for your home and for the planet.

Solar power is ….

  1. A form of clean energy. It does not produce pollutants or emissions during power generation.

  2. Renewable, which means the source (the sun) will not be depleted (unlike fossil fuels).

  3. Generated in homes using solar panels (majority of the time). Learn how solar panels work.

  4. Helpful in combating climate change.

  5. Measured in watts (kilowatts, megawatts, gigawatts and terawatts).

  6. Sunlight takes a little over eight minutes to reach Earth and a few seconds longer to make contact with solar panels.

  7. An opportunity to increase your home’s value. Homes with solar sell faster and for more money.

  8. A way for you to make a difference for the planet. You could prevent more than 17,000 pounds of COemissions a year.

  9. Good for your wallet. You can lower your monthly utility bill and lock in a fixed rate on a portion of your electricity for the next 20-25 years.

Make this the year you go solar. You can begin a solar journey that will save you thousands of dollars*, let you work with a name you can trust, and do it in a one-stop shop approach. Learn more about your home being powered by the sun.

*Green Mountain Energy rebate amount varies by project, system size, location and availability of additional rebates. Actual average rebate is $2,827 and ranges from $596 to $4,500 (based on projects funded between January 2017 – September 2017). To qualify, complete a solar installation with a Green Mountain installation partner, sign up for a 12-month minimum term on the Renewable Rewards buyback plan, sign and submit a Green Mountain Solar Rebate Agreement, agreeing to provide feedback on the installation experience. If eligible, customer will receive the SolarSPARC rebate within 30 days of submitting a completed rebate request, including verification of completed solar installation. The SolarSPARC rebate is offered at the discretion of Green Mountain and may be stopped at any time.

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