Our Mission

three teenagers experimenting with wind turbine
three teenagers experimenting with wind turbine
three teenagers experimenting with wind turbine

Green Mountain Energy began in Vermont in 1997 with a simple but powerful mission: to inspire hope and motivate action through the use of clean energy. Today, we’re still 100% dedicated to protecting the environment, and we invite you to join us!

Choose Wisely. It’s a Small Planet.®

About Us

Our Business

Everything you need to know about our business model, products and office locations.

Our History

From a small utility spin-off in Vermont to the longest serving renewable energy retailer in the nation, learn more about our roots and a few highlights from the last 25+ years.

Our Impact

Clean energy has come a long way since 1997, and we like to think we’ve played a small role in that growth. See the difference we’re making together with our customers.

Our customers have avoided


pounds of CO2

That’s like planting


new trees.