A Green Mountain Energy® Sun Club Project

Sheldon Lake & Environmental Learning Center

Sheldon Lake & Environmental Learning Center
Sheldon Lake & Environmental Learning Center
Sheldon Lake & Environmental Learning Center

Nature Center


Houston, TX

Dedication Date

January 1, 2005

Donation Type

Solar Electric & Energy Output Monitor


6 kW

Claim to Fame

First State Park to Receive a Green Mountain Energy Sun Club Donation

Project Overview

Sheldon Lake & Environmental Learning Center is a 2,800 acre outdoor education and recreation facility located in northeast Houston. It now features a pole mounted array which can be turned by hand so students can see first hand how the position affects the amount of energy it produces. It's not the only solar at this beautiful park but it was the first. This array, partially paid for with funding from the Sun Club, are part of a renewable energy system which also includes a small wind turbine, a solar water heater and a weather station.

Educational opportunities abound throughout your hike, both natural and man-made. Primary activities on the lake include fishing and wildlife observation. Activities at the Environmental Learning Center include group programming, birding, wildlife/nature study and fishing for children. The Learning Center includes a ½ mile self-guided nature trail that passes 28 naturalized ponds which contain alligators and other wildlife.

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