Ready, Set, Green Energy Savings Program

Be prepared for extreme temperatures, high electricity usage or outages.

There are lots of things you can do to green your home and help the planet. With the Ready, Set, Green program, we make it easy for you to do your part. These services help you conserve energy and access safe and sustainable backup power when you need it.

This program helps conserve energy around your home, which can potentially cut down on CO2 emissions. Participating is easy — you either manually adjust your thermostat, sign up your smart thermostat to automatically adjust.

So are you ready? Are you set? Let’s green!

How to start conserving energy today

Ready, Set, Conserve.

Be a part of a voluntary all-call to manually adjust your thermostat when alerted or to delay running appliances for a specific time window.

Learn more

Ready, Set, Relax.

Allow your smart thermostat to automatically adjust by a few degrees during high-usage periods or extreme temperatures to conserve energy.

Sign up now

Benefits of Ready, Set, Green

Ready, Set, Conserve: Conserves energy and reduces CO2 emissions.

Ready, Set, Relax: Conserves energy when the community and the grid need it the most. Plus, you’ll get a one time $20 bill credit and a donation made to Sun Club® on your behalf to promote sustainability in local communities.

Be a part of the solution.

By simply reducing your electricity consumption, you can make a difference. You’ll help prevent the need to use additional coal plants when demand is high. By reducing the need to use these plants, less carbon emissions are released into the atmosphere, which helps protect the planet. With the simplicity and convenience of the Ready, Set, Green Program, you have the tools you need to play an active role in the conservation process.

Our customers have avoided


pounds of CO2

That’s like planting


new trees.