A Green Mountain Energy® Sun Club Project

Ballroom Marfa

Ballroom Marfa
Ballroom Marfa
Ballroom Marfa



Marfa, TX

Dedication Date:

May 8, 2009

Donation Type:

Solar Electric & Educational Display


5.25 kW

Claim to Fame:

First Green Mountain Energy Sun Club Installation in West Texas

Project Overview

Marfa, TX is located in the remote and beautiful Chihuahuan Dessert of West Texas. This funky town is home to a thriving art community that attracts people from around the globe. Ballroom Marfa is a dynamic, contemporary cultural arts space that provides a lively intellectual environment where varied perspectives and issues are explored through visual arts, film, music and performance. This solar donation helps the institution put more money towards its unique cultural arts programs and stand out in the community as a progressive thought leader, as well. The array is very visible as you drive down the main street into town and a sign greets each visitor, educating them on solar energy.

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