A Green Mountain Energy® Sun Club Project

Philadelphia Zoo                              

Philadelphia Zoo
Philadelphia Zoo
Philadelphia Zoo

Wildlife Conservation


Philadelphia, PA

Dedication Date

September 10, 2015

Donation Type

Solar Trams


10 Vehicles


Claim to Fame

First solar at the nation's first zoo!

Project Overview

Like many other Philadelphia landmarks and institutions, the Philadelphia Zoo is an American first. The charter establishing the Zoological Society of Philadelphia was approved and signed on March 21, 1859. Due to the Civil War, however, it was another 15 years before America's first zoo was ready to open.

The Zoo’s 42-acre Victorian garden is home to more than 1,300 animals, many of them rare and endangered. By connecting people with wildlife, the Philadelphia Zoo creates joyful discovery and inspires action for animals and habitats. And now thanks to a $100,000 donation from the Sun Club, (our 80th dedication!), 10 new solar-powered trams have been added to the zoo grounds to help the staff and folks who need help getting around ride with electric power provided by the sun!

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